AdCom Services Icon Library

These images are to be used in AdCom Web applications. Only the images chosen will be allowed (application logos are an exception). Any additional images need to be approved. Placement of images should be after the field (text) with a written word of the image (e.g., Search) if possible.

Do not use animated GIF's as images.

It is crucial that you use the alt tag for each image per accessibility and easier navigation. Didn't find the icon you needed? Try these png icons.

AboutAbout (small) AboutAbout (medium) AboutAbout (large)
AccountAccount (small) AccountAccount(medium) AccountAccount (large)
Accounts PayableAccounts Payable (small) Account PayableAccounts Payable(medium) Accounts PayableAccounts Payable (large)
Accounts ReceivableAccounts Receivable (small) Account ReceivableAccounts Receivable(medium) Accounts ReceivableAccounts Receivable (large)
Accounts PayableAccounts Payable (small) Account PayableAccounts Payable(medium) Accounts PayableAccounts Payable (large)
AddAdd (small) AddAdd (medium) AddAdd (large)
Add BookmarkAdd Bookmark (small) Add BookmarkAdd Bookmark (medium) Add BookmarkAdd Bookmark (large)
Add FavoriteAdd Favorite(small) Add FavoriteAdd Favorite(medium) Add FavoriteAdd Favorite(large)
Add to cartAdd to cart(small) Add to cartAdd to cart(medium) Add to cartAdd to cart(large)
Add TransactionAdd Transaction(small) Add TransactionAdd Transaction(medium) Add TransactionAdd Transaction(large)
AlarmAlarm (small) AlarmAlarm (medium) AlarmAlarm (large)
ApplicationApplication (small) ApplicationApplication (medium) ApplicationApplication (large)
ApproveApprove (tbd) Approve(tbd) Approve(tbd)
AssetsAssets(small) AssetsAssets(medium) AssetsAssets(large)
ATMATM(small) ATMATM(medium) ATMATM(large)
AuctionAuction(small) AuctionAuction(medium) AuctionAuction(large)
BackBack(tbd) Back(tbd) Back(tbd)
BackBack (small) BackBack (medium) BackBack (large)
BankBank(small) BankBank(medium) BankBank(large)
Bar ChartBar Chart(small) Bar ChartBar Chart(medium) Bar ChartBar Chart(large)
BidBid(small) BidBid(medium) BidBid(large)
BillingBilling(small) BillingBilling(medium) BillingBilling(large)
BondsBonds(small) BondsBonds(medium) BondsBonds(large)
Calendar(tbd) Calendar(tbd) Calendar(tbd)
CalendarCalendar (small) CalendarCalendar (medium) CalendarCalendar (large)
CalculatorCalculator (tbd) Calculator/calculate(tbd) Calculator/calculate(tbd)
CalculatorCalculator (small) CalculatorCalculator (medium) CalculatorCalculator (large)
Cancel or Deny (tbd) Cancel or Deny(tdb) Cancel or Deny(tbd)
CancelCancel (small) CancelCancel (medium) CancelCancel (large)
CartCart (small) CartCart (medium) CartCart (large)
CashCash (small) CashCash (medium) CashCash (large)
CategoryCategory (small) CategoryCategory (medium) CategoryCategory (large)
CDCD (small) CDCD (medium) CDCD (large)
ChartChart (small) ChartChart (medium) ChartChart (large)
CheckingChecking (small) CheckingChecking (medium) CheckingChecking (large)
CheckoutCheckout (small) CheckoutCheckout (medium) CheckoutCheckout (large)
CloseClose (small) CloseClose (medium) CloseClose (large)
CollapsedCollapsed (tbd) Collapsed (tbd) Collapsed(tbd)
CollateralCollateral (small) CollateralCollateral (medium) CollateralCollateral (large)
ConfigureConfigure (small) ConfigureConfigure (medium) ConfigureConfigure (large)
CopyCopy (tbd) Copy(tbd) Copy(tbd)
CopyCopy (small) CopyCopy (medium) CopyCopy (large)
CreditCredit (small) CreditCredit (medium) CreditCredit (large)
CreditcardCredit Card (small) Credit CardCredit Card (medium) Credit CardCredit Card (large)
CurrencyCurrency (small) CurrencyCurrency (medium) CurrencyCurrency (large)
CutCut (tbd) Cut(tbd) Cut(tbd)
CutCut (small) CutCut (medium) CutCut (large)
DebitDebit (small) DebitDebit (medium) DebitDebit (large)
Decline (tbd) Decline(tbd) Decline(tbd)
Delete (tbd) Delete(tdb) Delete(tbd)
DeleteDelete (small) DeleteDelete (medium) DeleteDelete (large)
Delete TransactionDelete Transaction (small) Delete TransactionDelete Transaction (medium) Delete TransactionDelete Transaction (large)
DepositDeposit (small) DepositDeposit (medium) DepositDeposit (large)
DocumentsDocuments/Documentation (small) DocumentsDocuments/Documentation (medium) DocumentsDocuments/Documentation (large)
DownDown (small) DownDown (medium) DownDown (large)
Edit (tbd) Edit(tdb) Edit(tbd)
EditEdit (small) EditEdit (medium) EditEdit (large)
Edit TransactionEdit Transaction(small) Edit TransactionEdit Transaction (medium) Edit TransactionEdit Transaction(large)
ErrorError (tbd) Error(tbd) Error(tbd)
ExpandExpanded (tbd) Expanded (use in tree menu)(tbd) Expanded (use in tree menu)(tbd)
Export (tbd) Export(tbd) Export(tbd)
ExportExport (small) ExportExport (medium) ExportExport (large)
newExternal link External link(tbd) External link(tbd)
Fast ForwardFast Forward (small) Fast ForwardFast Forward (medium) Fast ForwardFast Forward (large)
FavoritesFavorites (small) FavoritesFavorites(medium) FavoritesFavorites (large)
FaxFax(small) FaxFax(medium) FaxFax(large)
FlagFlag (small) FlagFlag (medium) FlagFlag (large)
FeesFees (small) FeesFees (medium) FeesFees (large)
FolderFolder (small) FolderFolder (medium) FolderFolder (large)
ForwardForward/Next (small) ForwardForward/Next (medium) ForwardForward/Next (large)
FraudFraud (small) FraudFraud (medium) FraudFraud(large)
GamesGames (small) GamesGames(medium) GamesGames (large)
Gift CertificateGift Certificate (small) Gift CertificateGift Certificate (medium) Gift CertificateGift Certificate (large)
GoGo (small) GoGo (medium) GoGo (large)
GroupGroup (small) GroupGroup (medium) GroupGroup (large)
Help DeskHelp Desk (small) Help DeskHelp Desk (medium) Help DeskHelp Desk (large)
Help Help (tbd) Help(tbd)
HelpHelp (small) HelpHelp (medium) HelpHelp (large)
HistoryHistory (tbd) History(tbd) History(tbd)
HistoryHistory (small) HistoryHistory (medium) HistoryHistory(large)
HomeHome Home(tbd) Home(tbd)
HomeHome(small) HomeHome (medium) HomeHome(large)
ImageImage (small) ImageImage (medium) ImageImage (large)
Import Import(tbd) Import(tbd)
ImportImport (small) ImportImport (medium) ImportImport (large)
InformationInformation (tbd) Information(tbd) Information (tbd)
InsuranceInsurance (small) InsuranceInsurance (medium) InsuranceInsurance(large)
InterestInterest (small) InterestInterest (medium) InterestInterest(large)
InvestInvest (small) InvestInvest (medium) InvestInvest(large)
InvoiceInvoice (small) InvoiceInvoice (medium) InvoiceInvoice(large)
Large IconLarge Icon (small) Large IconLarge Icon (medium) Large IconLarge Icon(large)
LedgerLedger (small) LedgerLedger (medium) LedgerLedger(large)
LiabilitiesLiabilities (small) LiabilitiesLiabilities (medium) LiabilitiesLiabilities(large)
Line graphLine graph (small) Line graphLine graph (medium) Line graphLine graph(large)
LoanLoan (small) LoanLoan (medium) LoanLoan(large)
LockLock (small) LockLock (medium) LockLock (large)
MailMail (small) MailMail (medium) MailMail (large)
MerchantMerchant (small) MerchantMerchant (medium) MerchantMerchant(large)
More to ViewMore to view More to view...(tbd) More to view...(tbd)
MortgageMortgage (small) MortgageMortgage (medium) MortgageMortgage(large)
MoveMove(small) MoveMove (medium) MoveMove (large)
Movie Movie (tbd) Movie(tbd) Movie(tbd)
MusicMusic(small) MusicMusic (medium) MusicMusic(large)
NewNew(small) NewNew(medium) NewNew(large)
New(tbd) New(tbd) New(tbd)
Next (tbd) Next(tbd) Next(tbd)
Next Set(tbd) Next Set(tbd) Next Set(tbd)
Note padNote pad(small) Note padNote pad (medium) Note padNote pad(large)
NetworkNetwork(small) NetworkNetwork (medium) NetworkNetwork(large)
Open (tbd) Open(tbd) Open(tbd)
OpenOpen(small) OpenOpen(medium) OpenOpen(large)
Open BrowserOpen Browser(small) Open BroswerOpen Broswer(medium) Open BroweserOpen Browser(large)
OptionsOptions(small) OptionsOptions(medium) OptionsOptions(large)
PaintPaint(small) PaintPaint(medium) PaintPaint(large)
PastePaste(small) PastePaste (medium) PastePaste(large)
PausePause(small) PausePause(medium) PausePause(large)
PerformPerform(tbd) Perform (Performance Review)(tbd) Perform (Performance Review)(tbd)
Pie ChartPie Chart (small) Pie ChartPie Chart (medium) Pie ChartPie Chart (large)
PhonePhone(small) PhonePhone (medium) PhonePhone(large)
PicturePictures(small) PicturePictures (medium) PicturePictures(large)
PlayPlay(small) PlayPlay (medium) PlayPlay(large)
PreferencesPreferences(small) PreferencesPreferences (medium) PreferencesPreferences(large)
Previous(tbd) Previous(tbd) Previous(tbd)
Previous Set (tbd) Previous Set(tbd) Previous Set(tbd)
PreviousPrevious(small) PreviousPrevious (medium) PreviousPrevious(large)
PrintPrint(small) PrintPrint (medium) PrintPrint(large)
PrintPrint(tbd) Print(tbd) Print(tbd)
Printable ViewPrintable View (tbd) Printable View(tbd) Printable View(tbd)
Print PreviewPrint Preview(small) Print PreviewPrint Preview(medium) Print PreviewPrint Preview(large)
propertiesProperties (tbd) Properties(tbd) Properties(tbd)
PurchasePurchase (small) PurchasePurchase (medium) PurchasePurchase(large)
ReconcileReconcile (small) ReconcileReconcile (medium) ReconcileReconcile (large)
RedoRedo(small) RedoRedo (medium) RedoRedo(large)
RefreshRefresh(small) RefreshRefresh (medium) RefreshRefresh(large)
refreshRefresh(tbd) Refresh(tbd) Refresh(tbd)
RemoveRemove(tbd) Remove(tbd) Remove(tbd)
RemoveRemove(small) RemoveRemove (medium) RemoveRemove(large)
Remove from CartRemove from Cart (small) Remove  from CartRemove from Cart (medium) Remove from CartRemove from Cart(large)
RetrieveRetrieve(tbd) Retrieve(tbd) Retrieve(tbd)
RewindRewind(small) RewindRewind (medium) RewindRewind(large)
SaleSale (small) SaleSale (medium) SaleSale (large)
Save AsSave As(small) Save AsSave As (medium) Save AsSave As(large)
Save (tbd) Save(tbd) Save(tbd)
SaveSave(small) SaveSave (medium) SaveSave(large)
SavingsSavings (small) SavingsSavings(medium) SavingsSavings (large)
Search (tbd) Search(tbd) Search(tbd)
SearchSearch(small) SearchSearch (medium) SearchSearch(large)
Search for moreSearch for more info(small) Search for moreSearch for more info (medium) Search for moreSearch for more info(large)
Search ResultsSearch Results (tbd) Search Results(tbd) Search Results(tbd)
Send MailSend Mail (tbd) Send mail(tbd) Send mail(tbd)
ShippingShipping (small) ShippingShipping(medium) ShippingShipping (large)
Sign InSign In (small) Sign InSign In (medium) Sign InSign In (large)
Sign OutSign Out (small) Sign OutSign Out (medium) Sign OutSign Out (large)
Skip backSkip back (small) Skip backSkip back(medium) Skip backSkip back(large)
Skip forwardSkip forward (small) Skip forwardSkip forward(medium) Skip forwardSkip forward(large)
Small IconSmall Icon (small) Small IconSmall Icon(medium) Small IconSmall Icon(large)
DescendingSort - descending (tbd) Sort (descending- use in sort column)(tbd) Sort (descending- use in sort column)(tbd)
AscendingSort (ascending)(tbd) Sort (ascending -use in sort column)(tbd) Sort (ascending -use in sort column)(tbd)
AscendingSort (ascending) Sort (ascending -use in sort column) Sort (ascending -use in sort column)
DescendingSort (ascending) Sort (descending -use in sort column) Sort (descending -use in sort column)
OffSort (off)(tbd) Sort (off -use in sort column)(tbd) Sort (off -use in sort column)(tbd)
StocksStocks (small) StocksStocks (medium) StocksStocks (large)
StopStop (tbd) Stop(tbd) Stop(tbd)
StopStop (small) StopStop(medium) StopStop(large)
Stop playStop play(small) Stop playStop play(medium) Stop playStop play(large)
TaxTax (small) TaxTax (medium) TaxTax (large)
ToolsTools (tbd) Tools (tbd) Tools (tbd)
ToolsTools (small) ToolsTools(medium) ToolsTools(large)
TrackTrack(tbd) Track(tbd) Track(tbd)
TransactionTransaction (small) TransactionTransaction (medium) TransactionTransaction (large)
TrashTrash(small) TrashTrash(medium) TrashTrash(large)
UnlockUnlock(small) UnlockUnlock(medium) UnlockUnlock(large)
UndoUndo(small) UndoUndo(medium) UndoUndo(large)
UpUp(small) UpUp(medium) UpUp(large)
User (tbd) User(tbd) User(tbd)
UserUser (small) UserUser (medium) UserUser (large)
View(tbd) View(tbd) View(tbd)
WarningWarning (small)
WebWeb (small) WebWeb (medium) WebWeb (large)
Wire TransferWire Transfer (small) Wire TransferWire Transfer (medium) Wire TransferWire Transfer (large)
WithdrawalWithdrawal (small) WithdrawalWithdrawal (medium) WithdrawalWithdrawal (large)
WizardWizard (small) WizardWizard (medium) WizardWizard (large)
ZoomZoom (tbd) Zoom(tbd) Zoom(tbd)
Zoom InZoom In (small) Zoom InZoom In (medium) Zoom InZoom In (large)
Zoom OutZoom Out (small) Zoom OutZoom Out (medium) Zoom OutZoom Out (large)


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