University of California at Irvine
Student Employment Guidelines for
Non-Academic, Non-Represented Students Only
(Most recent changes are highlighted)

Latest Revision 2/23/2018

A. References

a. Student Assistant Classification Specification

b. Student Assistant Pay Ranges

c. UCI Delegations of Authority, IDA 381 Appointments, Promotions, Demotions, Dismissals, and Compensation of Certain Staff Personnel

d. Personnel Policy for Staff Members


B.Authority and Responsibilities

Prior to making changes in wage rates or other conditions of employment for the Student Assistant series, the Human Resources Department conducts a notice and review process that is consistent with that of other employee groups on campus.

The responsibility for the review, analysis, communication, and training for non-academic student worker guidelines rests with the Human Resources Department. The responsibility for implementation of all facets of the student worker guidelines at the department and coordinating point levels rests with department managers and supervisors.

UCI student employees will be provided the opportunity to provide meaningful input to contemplated changes in salaries for student workers through a notice process conducted by the Human Resources Department. Proposed changes will be communicated to department administrative managers who will be requested to post or circulate this information to afford student workers the opportunity to comment. Students may communicate their views through department managers or directly to Human Resources. Input from affected student workers will be considered before final decisions about changes in policy or practices affecting student wage rates are reached.

C.    Purpose

The information contained in this document is provided to assist campus managers and supervisors who employ non-academic, non-represented UCI students in staff functions. The intent of this document is to address issues specific to the employment of students. For all other information regarding employment, please see Policies & Procedures for Staff Members. For information regarding student employment in academic and research titles, contact the office of Research & Graduate Studies.

D.    Definition

A non-academic student employee:

a.     is registered as at least a half-time student at UCI, which is 6 units/per quarter, or intends to be registered as at least a half-time student at UCI for the following quarter.

b.      generally works no more than 49% time.

c.      does not have long-term, ongoing responsibilities.

d.      has a work schedule that is more flexible than a staff employee's.

e.      has a position that is secondary to academic and student life.

The Assistant I, II, III, and IV titles are reserved for UCI students.  These titles are casual/restricted appointments and are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement.  Casual/restricted positions are used to give financial support to students' educational goals as well as allow the student to gain work experience. 

In general, a student employee should be registered as at least a half-time student at UCI and should work no more than 49% time; however, if a student is not registered for a given quarter or does work above 49% in a given week, their casual/restricted status will not necessarily be compromised. The student may, however, be required to contribute to the University's Defined Contribution Plan (DCP) and to Medicare or they may be eligible for sick leave.  See Section E, parts g and h for more information regarding Student Status and Sick Leave Eligibility.

E.     Procedures

a.      Classifying

Assistant positions are found throughout the University. The responsibilities of these positions are as varied as the functions that they support. The work is assigned ranges from simple, routine, and repetitive tasks to complex assignments requiring the application of academic and/or technical skill or training.

The majority of student employees are classified in the Assistant series, which has four levels of job classifications. The Classification Specification describes these four levels. Assistant I (4922), II (4921), III (4920), & IV (4919) are payroll titles; working titles may differ.

The classification concepts need to be applied as accurately to the Assistant series as they are to any other series within the University of California staff classification system. The accurate classification of positions in this series by every department results in compensation that ensures internally equitable salaries. 

Reclassification of student Assistants occurs when the student's supervisor determines that the duties and responsibilities assigned to the student have increased to a higher classification level.   

Positions with salary requirements that exceed the maximum assigned to the Assistant series shall be carefully reviewed by the department manager in consultation with Human Resources to determine the most appropriate classification.

Staff Titles

There are several staff titles outside the Assistant series that are designated for student employees. They are: Student Aid, Outside Agency (4000, used by Financial Aid and Scholarships Office), Appointed Official, Student Activities (4329), Elected Officer, Student Government (4331), Resident Assistant (4126), and Recreation Program Instructor (4011).

The appointment of a student employee to a staff title other than these, will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by Human Resources. Such appointments will be designated as casual/restricted and will be subject to the provisions of the applicable personnel program policy or collective bargaining agreement.

b.      Salary

Appointment Rates

Salary ranges for the Assistant series are established at the campus level. Students are normally hired at the minimum of the salary range, but, with department head approval and in consultation with Human Resources, students may be paid at any rate within the established pay range.

Range Adjustments

Adjustments to the salary range do not result in adjustments to individual salaries except when a salary falls below the new minimum rate. Market salary surveys are conducted by Human Resources. The following factors are considered when rates are established or changed for the Assistant series:

i.        Information on prevailing wages paid to students, including information on pay rates for similar positions at other colleges and universities in the local area, local public and nonprofit agencies and local private sector employers of students in similar positions.


ii.      Recruitment and retention information provided by departments.


iii.      The availability of funding.


iv.      Internal relationships with other staff classifications.

Salary Upon Promotion/Upward Reclassification

Upon promotion or upward reclassification, a casual/restricted employee must be granted a salary increase to the minimum of the salary range for the new classification. The department manager may approve a total salary increase of up to 15% upon promotion or upward reclassification, provided that the new rate does not exceed the salary range maximum of the new classification.

Salary Upon Transfer in Same Department

The salary of a casual/restricted employee will normally remain the same when they transfer to another position within the same department having the same level of duties and responsibilities.

Salary Upon Transfer to a Different Department

Upon transfer to a different department, the salary rate is determined based on the guidelines outlined in the "Appointment Rates" section.

Salary Upon Demotion or Downward Reclassification

Upon demotion, a casual/restricted employee will normally receive a salary decrease. The specific rate in the lower range, not exceeding the maximum of the new class, shall depend upon the circumstances related to the demotion and upon the employee's employment record.

Upon downward reclassification, a casual/restricted employee may receive a salary decrease; however, the casual/restricted employee's current salary rate may be retained provided that it does not exceed the maximum of the new salary range.

Within Range Salary Increase

A salary increase of up to 2% may be granted on an annual basis at management's discretion to employees with appointments in the Assistant series. Adjusted rates of pay may not exceed the maximum of the assigned salary range.

Exceptional Salary Increase

Salary increases outside the parameters of the preceding guidelines may be approved by the department head in consultation with Human Resources. Requests for exceptions are typically made in writing and include rationale for the salary action (including equity considerations and external market factors as appropriate), the employee's current salary, the amount of recommended increase, and the proposed effective date.

c.      Student Employee Records

The same policies and procedures are applied to student employee records as are applicable to career employees records. Student employees' personnel records shall contain only material that is necessary and relevant to the administration of the student employee personnel program. The records shall be maintained with accuracy, relevance, timeliness, and completeness, and appropriate and reasonable safeguards shall be established by the location to ensure security and confidentiality. Please note that records for student employees in the work-study program must contain time sheets and job descriptions signed by the student and the supervisor and must be retained for at least three (3) years.

d.      Performance Evaluations

It is recommended that supervisors evaluate the performance of their student employees at least annually.

e.      Job Description

It is recommended that supervisors prepare job descriptions for their student employees that outline the students' duties and responsibilities. Please note that job descriptions are required for student employees in the work-study student program.  

f.   Graduating Seniors

Upon graduation, a student employee is no longer eligible to be classified within the Assistant series. If the department manager would like to continue the employment of a student employee who has graduated, the former student must be placed in a staff title on a limited appointment (1,000 hours per year) after graduation.

g.      Student Status

Student employees are exempt from the University's Deferred Contribution Plan (DCP) and Medicare tax withholding if they are enrolled in a course of study for at least half time.  There is no exemption for wages earned in a pay period that falls entirely outside an academic term.  Students who are not exempt must contribute to DCP and to Medicare. 

If a student is not registered as at least a half time student for a given quarter, the student may remain in the Student Assistant title for that quarter as long as they intend to return to UCI the following quarter.  The student will, however, be required to contribute to DCP and Medicare for the period of time that they are not registered as at least a half-time student.

For information regarding the classification of international students during the summer, please contact the International Center.

h.  Sick Leave Eligibility

Student employees who work more than 49% time in two consecutive bi-weekly pay cycles may be eligible for sick leave.  See Personnel Policies for Staff Members, 42, Sick Leave, Section B for information regarding sick leave for employees.

Please contact your Human Resources Consultant to clarify the interpretation and application of any of the policy and procedural guidelines listed above.

 F.  Applicability

These guidelines apply to non-academic, non-represented student employees.