Emergency Trauma Technician

UCI Series Concepts

Class Specifications - H.15
Sr. Emergency Trauma Technician - 8919
Emergency Trauma Technician - 8920

February, 1975



Emergency Trauma Technicians are concerned with providing emergency 
trauma techniques.  Incumbents assist the physicians and nurses assess 
the condition of patients who have experienced body injury or are 
mentally distraught (Triage); check the adequacy of airway, the presence 
of shock, the level of consciousness, and the presence of associated 
injuries, particularly those neccessitating immediate splinting; provide 
rapid measures for control of bleeding; obtain patients' histories from 
the patients or credible witnesses; assure the immediate availability of 
sterile dressings, irrigating and cleansing solutions and suture trays; 
inspect lacerations, abrasions, puncture wounds, animal and human bites; 
assist with tracheostomy and insertion of endotrachael tubes; perform 
venipuncture for purpose of obtaining serology specimens; perform 
emergency cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR); obtain urine samples, by 
catheterization if necessary; handle special treatment problems such as 
the battered child, rape, molestation, prisoners, and psychiatric 
patients; obtain adequate consultative services; and establish treatment 
priority in accordance with urgency of patients' condition.  Incumbents 
may operate electrocardiographic and/or other cardiac monitoring 
equipment and may be assigned to a mobile unit; and perform other 
related duties as required.

                            CLASS CONCEPTS

Senior Emergency Trauma Technician

Under general supervision, incumbents assist with basic emergency care; 
perform venipuncture for the purpose of obtaining serology specimens; 
administer certain medications under the orders and supervision of a 
physician (I.V. therapy is excluded); operate electrocardiographic and 
other cardiac monitoring devices; immobilize extremities for real or 
suspected fractures and dislocations; use Hare traction splint; dress 
wounds; and collect patient data and use proper charting techniques.  
Incumbents may in addition perform the range of duties outlined in the 
series concept.

Under supervision, incumbents assist with basic emergency care.  They 
obtain urine specimens by catheterization; transport and handle 
patients; apply dressings to minor wounds; assist surgeons with minor 
surgery; obtain and record vital signs; maintain facilities and 
equipment under sanitary conditions; make up beds and order supplies; 
and prepare emergency packs for sterilization.  Incumbents typically 
perform the range of duties outlined in the series concept.

                     MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS

Senior Emergency Trauma Technician

Completion of a basic training program in emergency procedures and two 
years of related experience as an Emergency-Trauma Technician; and 
knowledges and abilities essential to the successful performance of the 
duties assigned to the position.

Emergency Trauma Technician

Completion of a basic training program in emergency procedures; ability 
to function effectively under stress and emergency conditions; and 
knowledges and abilities essential to the successful performance of the 
duties assigned to the position.
