Classification Specifications – H.45

9355 - Medical Interpreter I
9356- Medical Interpreter II
9357 - Medical Interpreter Per Diem


Medical Interpreters are responsible for providing concise, accurate and objective interpretation for patients throughout the Medical Center. Incumbents function as members of the health care team and may work closely with various health care professionals across all specialties, including, physicians, social workers, rehabilitation therapists, laboratory technologists, radiology technicians and all levels of nursing care.

Medical Interpreters maintain a high degree of integrity and ethics in order to follow federal and state confidentiality laws and professional impartiality rules, while keeping within the scope of accurate interpretation. Interpreters adhere to the same mandatory reporting responsibilities as other health care professionals, including HIPAA and JCAHO. Often, the Interpreter is the first contact for patients seeking medical attention, and/or assisting the patient and medical staff in obtaining and/or explaining medical and related information, at times of a difficult and complex nature.

Typical communications may include interpreting diagnostic procedures, diagnosis and prognosis, treatment plans, social service consults, psychiatric evaluations, family conferences, CPR training, genetic counseling, family planning consultations and informed consents.

Job related tasks usually do not involve exposure to blood, body fluids or tissues. However, position may require performing tasks that risk exposure to blood- and/or air-borne pathogens.


Medical Interpreter II

This is the advanced operational level for this series. Incumbents may assist with training new staff and volunteers and administering competency assessments to staff, including volunteers; and may help with scheduling outside sign language interpreters for hearing impaired patients and patient families. Incumbents contribute to the improvement of departmental operating procedures.

Incumbents may function as Lead to independently organize and prioritize allocate patient assignments to ensure full and timely completion of language services provided and to meet urgent patient language needs.

Medical Interpreter I

This is the operational level for this series. Under general direction and supervision, incumbents perform the full range of interpreting activities. Incumbents organize and allocate patient assignments under the direction of a Medical Interpreter II or a manager/supervisor. Incumbents perform the full range of medical interpreting, using terminology across all specialties of medicine, medical center procedures and protocols, and cultural sensitivities. Incumbents determine the appropriate mode of interpreting based on circumstance, under the direction of a Medical Interpreter II or a manager/supervisor.

Incumbents are well-versed in Medical Center policies, procedures and protocols. Incumbents maintain current knowledge of language fluency and competency of English and the target language, medical terminology, cultural sensitivities, human anatomy and systemic physiology across all specialties of medicine and have a strong understanding of the ethical and professional standards of health care interpreters.


Medical Interpreter I

Passing score on internal Interpreter Competency Test.

Must be fluent in English and target language(s) with proficient reading and writing skills in both languages.

Knowledgeable about Medical Center policies, procedures and protocols.

Extensive knowledge of medical terminology.

Basic knowledge of human anatomy and systemic physiology.

Excellent oral communication skills and ability to exercise sensitivity and patience in interactions with patients, families, and staff in stressful situations while maintaining confidentiality, and awareness of cultural differences.

Preferred: Certification from an independent medical interpreter school or program.

Medical Interpreter II

Meets the qualifications at the Medical Interpreter I level, PLUS:

Certification from an independent medical interpreter school or program.

Leadership skills to be able to direct and advise Medical Interpreters with less experience.

Typically possesses a minimum of 4 years of relevant experience.

August, 2009