------------------------------------------------------------------ Scanner UCI Series Concepts Class Specifications - I.20 Supervising Scanner I - 9621 Scanner II - 9622 Scanner I - 9623 March, 1973 ****************************************************************** SERIES CONCEPT Under general supervision, the Scanner performs or supervises the scanning, measuring, and analyzing of particle physics events which are recorded on film or in emulsion; and performs other related duties as required. Incumbents examine stereoscopic vievs of particle physics events, detect, identify, classity, and prepare for measurement various categories of events; which may include ten categories, according to criteria established for the particular experiment; scan emulsions under a microscope to identify interesting particle physics events, orient events in emulsion, and make calculations; audit and compare the results of previously scanned film; locate vertex and tracks of designated events and operate a digitizer to measure and record each track which nay include measuring the tracks of complex particle physics events where the background tracks, number of tracks, or interpretation of the vertex and ending of tracks require a basic understanding of the physics principles involved; record decisions regarding categories; key punch data; and perform technical analysis of data which entails making mathematical calculations and plotting figures. Performance of the above duties normally require that incumbents have academic training in the sciences including course work in physics, mathematics, and chemistry. CLASS CONCEPTS Supervising Scanner I Incumbents supervise the work of two or more full-time-equivalent Scanners. In addition to supervisory duties, incumbents typically perform technical analysis of data normally requiring an understanding of the scientific principles involved and the making of mathematical calculations requiring an understanding and application of higher mathematics which is acquired through course work in trigonometry, geometry, or basic physics. Incumbents may also write subroutines for complex computer program systems or write simple programs. Scanner II Incumbents scan, measure, and perform basic analysis of particle physics events which are recorded on film or in emulsion. This is the full operational level within the series and the majority of scanning duties are performed at this level. Scanner I Incumbents measure particle physics events and perform the less difficult scanning duties. The scanning work is comparatively simple or is performed under the close supervision of a higher level Scanner. The measuring of events may be performed without close supervision. This class is the entry level in the Scanner series. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Supervising Scanner I Two years of college as a science major including course work in physics, mathematics, and chemistry, and two years of experience as a Scanner including at least six months as a Scanner II; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Scanner II Two years of college as a science major including course work in physics, mathematics, and chemistry; or graduation from high school and one year of experience as a Scanner 1; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Scanner I Graduation from high school with course work in geometry, trigonometry, or elementary physics; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. ******************************************************************